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Telephone: 0131 226 6932 or 0845 388 5879
46 Queen Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3NH, Scotland
John Doyle HB (1797-1868)

Plate 237 The Waits
Period -1799
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George Hamilton Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen, former Foreign Secretary; Edward Law, 1st Earl of Ellenborough, Governor General of India; Sir Robert Peel, 2nd Bart.; Field Marshall Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, former and subsequent Prime Minister; John Bull (at window). From "Political Sketches by HB", published 14/01/1833

The artist

Dublin-born cartoonist and caricaturist, Doyle is considered a founder of the school of British satirists. Kinder and gentler than Hogarth, Rowlandson or Gilray, from the mid 1820s he regularly satirised prominent people and events of the day

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$60 approx
€50 approx

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