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Telephone: 0131 226 6932 or 0845 388 5879
46 Queen Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3NH, Scotland
John Romney (1785-1863)

Allied Commanders of the Napoleonic War - Bernadotte, Crown Prince of Sweden
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19th century (1816) hand coloured etching & engraving 23 x 28 cms (9 x 11 ins). Published by Richard Evans, Spitalfields. Unframed

The artist

Newcastle born watercolourist; prolific engraver and etcher. Much of Romney's work was reproductions of the work of other artists. Produced 199 plates for views of "Paris & its Environs" by Augustus Pugin and plates for an edition for William Hogarth

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$110 approx
€110 approx

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