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46 Queen Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3NH, Scotland

The steam Mail Packet “Ivanhoe”, running before a south-westerly on the Forth, off Edinburgh circa 1855

By B. McKillan Drummond (or Dowinar) (fl. 1850–1880)
Category: Oil Paintings, Catalogue Reference C3001

Oil on canvas , signed B.M. Drummond lower left corner.
30 x 48 ins (43 x 62 ins framed). 76 x 122 cms (109 x 158 cms framed)

The artist
Drummond/Dowinar was a ship portraitist working in Leith in the mid-19th Century. I believe, but cannot prove, that Dowinar emigrated to Scotland, possibly from present day Slovakia around 1845 and adopted the more Scots-sounding name of Drummond. MORE:

(approx. €11,850 or $12,170)

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